ADVOCATE noun: a person who speaks or writes in support or defense of a person, cause, etc. This blog is ABOUT THE ANIMALS. It's about accepting NO LESS than 90% survival. It's about gathering an Army of Volunteers for the animals of Gregg County, TX. The animals and advocates need YOU to join us OR GET OUT OF OUR WAY!

Friday, July 27, 2012


This post covers two topics...

First topic: City Council meeting last night. Here are the video minutes of that meeting where a group of advocates with one elected spokesperson attended on behalf of the area animals. Start watching at 5 minutes until approximately 12 1/2 minutes.

Basically, the city council is interested ONLY in a private/public partnership. And that boils down to $. If the PRIVATE sector doesn't have half the funds ready, the Mayor says he WILL NOT ask the public to vote on a special election. Watch the minutes and take notes.

Second topic: REGARDLESS whether a new facility is built or not, if management and especially the director of the shelter are not pro NO KILL, then 80% of the animals arriving will continue to DIE! They won't be put to sleep, they will DIE!!!

Brand new facility, or not. No matter how shiny the building, or how spacious, if you aren't NO KILL then YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.

Get yourself educated on what NO KILL entails. Be prepared to ask yourself some really hard questions. If you still haven't read it, here is the NO KILL 101 PRIMER. It's quick easy reading.

NO KILL is not technical. NO KILL means you have to be organized, you have to have lots of volunteers and YOU HAVE TO HAVE COMPASSION FOR THE ANIMALS! And YES, it CAN BE CHANGED OVERNIGHT! It's being done by many shelters across the United States! (AND YES, many are open admissions also!)

And yesterday, (probably while folks were attending that city council meeting) these are just 6 of the animals who were KILLED at Longview shelter. *( 

RIP Dobbie

RIP Terrance

RIP Fluff

RIP Sarge

RIP Butter and Scotch

So advocates, I'm asking you to COME TOGETHER ON THIS NO KILL and COME TOGETHER TO WORK FOR THE ANIMALS! If you're a nay sayer, you don't know what NO KILL is. And if you don't know what NO KILL is, you are of no use to these animals!


  1. the killing need to stop now is like an Holocaust for animals. Wonderful pets are losing there lives and nothing being done The shelter is making it harder for animals to get out alive .Why? Stop the killing now sweet animal being killed daily for nothing,Heartless like Nazi Germany How can someone take them into the back push a needle into them an kill them? I saw pictures today of so many who lost there lives wonderful loving animals there had no Chance coming to Longwiev shelter means death sentence you hardly make it out .R.I.P you wonderful animal I am so sorry we will fight for you

  2. i was at the meeting and will continue to do what i can to stand up for the animals!


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