ADVOCATE noun: a person who speaks or writes in support or defense of a person, cause, etc. This blog is ABOUT THE ANIMALS. It's about accepting NO LESS than 90% survival. It's about gathering an Army of Volunteers for the animals of Gregg County, TX. The animals and advocates need YOU to join us OR GET OUT OF OUR WAY!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

One Woman Animal Advocate Army in Kirby, TX

Photo Credit KSAT
Christie Banduch is the sole employee at the animal shelter in Kirby, TX.  Since she was hired a year ago, she has been virtually singlehandedly responsible for the180 degree turnaround in saving these animals lives. Prior to Christie's arrival the live release rate was a heartbreaking 4% and under Christie's tenure it's at 83%!

How does Christie do it? She's not only the sole animal control officer, she does EVERY JOB at that shelter because she is the only employee. This shelter is open admission and it also takes owner surrenders. The average intake is 100 dogs and cats each month, which is a LOT for one person to handle. But she is doing it!

This gal could dig up the same worn out excuses that shelter directors and board members have been using for decades, but she doesn't. She's obviously in it FOR THE ANIMALS.

She is living proof that NO KILL works! And yes, she CHANGED it overnightBy not settling for anything less, she is saving many lives. And isn't that what this is all about?

If just one person made this much difference in only the time it took her to come onboard and get to work, just think what an ARMY of Volunteers could do working together FOR THE ANIMALS! Read all about Christie here.  (And she's even got a very informative website ARMY of ONE was all it took!)

And did I mention they do mobile adoption events EVERY Saturday? YES!!!

Thank you Christie Banduch for caring enough for these animals to find the better (and the ONLY) way!  The city of Kirby is hoping to hire a full-time technician for Christie next year. For now, she can always use more volunteers. (210) 661-8515 (You'll have to leave a message because there are no employees to answer the phone, but Christie WILL call you back!)  :)

The SERVICES and PROGRAMS this shelter provides:

Pet Adoption
Stray Animal Pick-up
Low-Cost Dog Training
Foster Care Program
Animal Cruelty Investigations
Humane Education Programs
Volunteer Program
Low-Cost Pet Vaccinations
SNAP Mobile Spay / Neuter

So, animal advocates of Gregg County, Texas......what are we waiting for? NO MORE EXCUSES! Let's do this FOR THE ANIMALS!

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