ADVOCATE noun: a person who speaks or writes in support or defense of a person, cause, etc. This blog is ABOUT THE ANIMALS. It's about accepting NO LESS than 90% survival. It's about gathering an Army of Volunteers for the animals of Gregg County, TX. The animals and advocates need YOU to join us OR GET OUT OF OUR WAY!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

ANOTHER Kind of Animal Shelter - Take Notes Animal Lovers!

Overhauling the antiquated shelter mindset requires an open mind and a willingness to embrace alternative methods of "sheltering" these animals and preparing them for their forever homes. Throwing OUT some cages and throwing IN a few couches...... Watch and TAKE NOTES! :)

I know a gal in rescue that employs a similar method to house her animals. Funny thing is, her place isn't fancy but the dogs are well cared for and HAPPY! Imagine that!

Want to make things better for the animals, but don't know where to start? Three WEAPONS in this war we are raging against the high-kill shelters.

2. How to Start an Animal Sanctuary
3. A positive attitude and compassion for the animals!

Please share this post with any and every animal lover you know! Work Together FOR THE ANIMALS!

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